Anodes for chrome plating

The main alloys for anodes used in the chrome plating industry are made of Tin and Lead.
The tin percentage can vary up to max 10%, while that of Pb can even reach 100%.

Other alloys used are:

  • Pb / Sb,
  • Pb / Ag,
  • Sn / Sb / Pb,
  • Sn / Sb / Pb / Ag,

The following types of hooks can be applied to our anodes:

  • Regular copper hooks (tinned, welded and bolted or riveted)
  • Drowned copper hooks (the anode head is smelted and the copper hook is inserted in it)
  • Each hook can be supplied with plastic protection; the anodes with plasticized hook can be max. 2.5 m long.
  • We can apply hooks or eyebolts for lifting.
  • Cast anodes in all forms
Anodes for printed circuits

For the printed circuit sector we produce anodes in pure tin or Sn/Pb alloys with a tin percentage of from 60% to 90%. We can use highly pure tin with lead content < 50 ppm.

The anodes can be supplied with threaded copper hook (to customer design).

Spheres, rods and small cathodes

Through smelting, extrusion and subsequent molding we produce:

  • Tin spheres with Ø 15, 25, 40 and 50 mm.;
  • Tin small cathodes (various sizes);
  • Tin rods of 50, 100 or 1000 gr.
Rolled anodes

On customer request we can produce tin anodes for rolling process.


Our technical staff is always available to study and assess new projects and production requests by the customer, providing quick answers.
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